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If you want to see how it’s done look no further than President Abraham Lincoln.
He declared Baltimore to be under Martial Law (no rights or due process). The Supreme Court ruled the power to declare Martial Law is given to Congress so Lincoln’s declaration was null & void. Lincoln’s response was to ignore the ruling. The grandson of Francis Scott Key (author of The Star Spangled Banner) wrote an editorial asking how under the “Balance of Power” Lincoln could ignore the Supreme Court?
For this editorial he was thrown into Ft. McHenry for 14 months (no charges, judges, jury’s, lawyers or bail). Upon release he wrote a book about his experience as a political prisoner. The 2 editors that printed his book were arrested & thrown into Ft. McHenry. Dozens of newspapers that weren’t pushing Lincoln’s narrative were shut down with some editors fleeing & others jailed. Thousands in Baltimore were jailed without ever being charged or seeing a judge. Weapons were confiscated, searches were done without warrants, & mail was opened & read.
In an attempt to cut off the political & physical power of Baltimore he had arrested (without charges) the Mayor, entire City Council, US Congressman representing Baltimore, the Chief of Police, Board of Police Commissioners, & (there were too many to jail) fired all 800 Police officers.
That’s not even the tip of the iceberg of what Lincoln illegally did & all it took was for Lincoln to tell the North, “True I may be overstepping my authority BUT I’m doing it to save the Union.”
The only way this could happen again in America is if it’s done under the guise of “Saving America” or “For the greater good”