Reply To: Should Tisha B’Av Be Movie Day?

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Sam Klein

Their not movies but actually recorded shiurim of chizzuk on topics that klal yisroel faces currently and needs to improve in to help bring Mashiach already bkarov. Rather it’s on the topic of Sinas chinam or on Teshuva or lashon Hara etc …..

Every year that we sadly remain in golus and need to mourn another Tisha B’av cause we still haven’t woken up and FACED REALITY to WHOLEHEARTEDLY accept Hashems wake up call for serious Teshuva Kinnus and Taanis, different topics are chosen to make shiurim of chizzuk on to help klal yisroel work on fixing these issues so we can be Worthy of Hashem sending Mashiach already bkarov and instead Tisha B’av can become a Yom tov.

May it come to happen very soon.