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@qwerty “I learn Avodah Zarah, Berachos and Shabbos..Most of the time is on Berachos. I try to make a Siyum every year for my Chabad shul on Erev Pesach. By the way I take about 25 hours to learn a blatt, because I write questions and answers. ”
which blatt? lets discuss the sugya!
also anyone looked up the medrash, gemarah and zohar that calls Yaakov Avinu G-D? and creator of worlds? anyone have an issue?

as qwertny wrote ” He said that the Meshichistim don’t bother him, it’s the Elokistim, those who believe that the Rebbe is god who worry him.” i saw the letter, he writes he heard lubavitchers in benching say “boreinu” could he thats what he heard, sometimes people hear things they assume or imagine, boreinu is very similar to moreinu.
and you looked up the medrash, gemarah and zohar that calls Yaakov Avinu G-D? and creator of worlds? you have an issue? what’s the difference?