Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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Menachem Shmei


You have an annoying habit of accusing me of not answering your questions when in fact no questions were actually posed. You’ve been doing this since I joined YWN, in a feeble attempt to impugn my integrity. I have answered every question sent to me by any poster.

See my post #2306326 from August 18 2:54 pm, where I reposted a question that challenges your false accusation that a certain obscure Lubavitch teaching is AZ ch”v.

I have answered every question sent to me by any poster.

I hope you will hold up that habit.

Menachem is a bright guy and he writes well. He debates well and in his mind he wins all the arguments. That may be true. However there’s a referee for all these contests and He’s in Shomayim. He’s not impressed with Shmei’s tricks. We know Him as Hashem and He’s a jealous G-d.

Thanks for the compliments. You’re right, Hashem is the true judge, but thankfully He displays His wisdom in the Torah which I presented to you in the aforementioned post.

P.S. Please try not to get caught up with the last paragraph, and first and foremost, answer the question I posed to you many times over the last year, as in the beginning of this post.