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Yankel berel, you are so right. I used to argue with Christians when they tried to “quote” Tanach. Believing in human as a divinity is ridiculous, kol shekein trying to “prove” Christianity from Tanach that teaches us that belief in anyone other than our One True God is idolatry, and that God is not physical. So when Christians supposedly “quote” verses from Tanach to “prove that their religion is the truth” it is laughable. However, since I’m not Tovia Singer who knows pesukim from Tanach by heart, I always had to look up and to research the “verses” these Christians were “quoting” when arguing with them. Sometimes the verse they claimed was in Tanach was totally not there, sometimes it was mistranslated and sometimes they took the verse completely out of context. Every time I’d argue back and forth with a Christian they ALWAYS gave up in the end but till then they’d “quote” many “verses” and even though they mostly stopped responding to me in when I kept on proving them wrong, I do not believe I changed anyone’s mind because they are brainwashed from birth. To believe in a “trinity of 3 persons” as Catholics do that supposedly created and run the world you have to be pretty stupid. To believe that a divine “father” who is their god but needs help from an earthly son who supposedly has divine powers and became their 3rd god but who is killed by humans is stupid. And the poor “holy spirit” who is there as an afterthought and barely mentioned… But still, most of them wouldn’t change their mind but they’d “quote” more verses… So after awhile I stopped arguing with them and just wrote that Jews say every day the verse in the Torah, in Deuteronomy chapter 6, “hear Israel the Lord our God, the Lord is One”. According to Tanach, belief in a human being as a god is idol worship. Belief in gods other than the One Creator of the universe is paganism. That’s all I write because I won’t waste my time with brainwashed people. And they have nothing to answer me.

The same is with a Lubavitche who believes the Rebbe is physically alive and who runs the world. They are so brainwashed, they believe in something so bizarre that it’s a waste of time to argue with them. The Rebbe died, there was a lavayah, the rebbe was buried, there is a ohel they daven in, there is no physical Rebbe around anymore, and yet the STILL believe the Rebbe is PHYSICALLY alive! Can there be something more stupid than this? Apparently yes, because they also believe their (dead) Rebbe runs the world! Sometimes I will respond to Lubavitche when they say things like “Moshe Rabbeinu also ran the world” …but when they start “quoting” Gemorahs and Rashis I don’t bother because they are simply taking things out of context or openly making things up. Then I say, “shma Yisroel Hashem Elokienu Hashem Echaddddd!”