Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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When I read these heated discussions, I want to point out that there is hopefully a difference between ways we discuss Tanach with missionaries v. inter-Jewish discussions. Missionaries are brining gotcha psukim and we point out errors. When we talked among ourselves, we are here people who learned some Torah, not just quoting Rebbes and anti-Rebbes. So, we can see beyond line-by-line debate and wonder whether certain shitot fit into Yiddishkeit as a whole.

For example, yes, it is reasonable to have a Teacher, and learn from him and even follow him and not others. At the same time, students of Beis Hillel were not running around having daily recitations of bas kol that halakha is like their teacher and them, and point it to beis Shammai, and Beis Shammai were not siting in a circle meditating and dancing “moschiach, maschiach” that halakha will be like b Shammai then. So, if your religion becomes so biased, it might be a problem. I welcome disagreements with this, of course, but I hope you hear my argument.