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To the group

About two weeks ago I predicted that cs would return and she did. The only way to explain this is to say that I’m a Novi. Now that goes against the Gemara but the Rebbe said that certain individuals can attain prophecy and I’m clearly one of them

To always

Let me develop the Miller Chabad connection. When Rabbi Miller was 17 a Lubavicher taught him Kesubos and didn’t charge him. This put him on his path of Torah and so he had Hakaras Hatov for Chabad. To that point in his public speeches he always praised Chabad and the Rebbe. When Rav Shach made his pronouncement Rabbi Miller was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He couldn’t go against the Godol Hador, but he’d look like a fool if he said he was wrong. So he copped out and declared, “When great people argue we don’t get involved.” Rabbi Miller said that if one continues to tell the truth eventually his enemies will quote him. If you listen with an open mind you’ll ultimately see that we’re right about Chabad.