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To always

Rabbi Miller said, *If you keep speaking the truth eventually your enemies will quote you.” I’m glad to see that you took Seichel to task for insulting Rabbi Dr. Berger. Lubavichers are idolaters and so they lash out at anyone who challenges their false religion.

To the group

Menachem Shmei has categorically denied that Chabad is idolatry. All the evidence points otherwise. So how do we explain this? No one can accuse a Lubavicher of lying because they all eat Cholov Yisroel. Since the Rebbe declared in 1962 that he’s god clothed in human form it follows that Shmei holds that iRebbe is Hashem and so believing in him is believing in Hashem..Makes complete sense. But only after ingesting a large quantity of certain mushrooms. And let’s not forget the third Stooge, Lostspark. A few weeks ago he vehemently denied that any Lubavicher believes the Rebbe is god.Then he reverses himself and challenges me to respond to Seichel’s “proof” that the Rebbe is god. It is what it is.