Reply To: Zionism

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I think many ehriche Yidden are sympathetic to Zionism even when disagree with something. I saw one such charedi British rav being asked by not-so-observant Yidden whether he is a Zionist, and he replied “yes, in the meaning of hamechazir shechinato l’Zion”. As he explained later “I just do not have a heart to say No”. I understand him – with centuries of Jews davening towards Yerushalaim, having Jews there, both those who are observant and the others also is something our great-grandfathers were dreaming about. So, focusing on the issues that someone is not paying “enough” to support “yeshiva students” is a very shorts-sighted and misguided vision. As to non-religious Jews having a large vote – same was happening in European communities before WW2. The only reason we do not feel it so much in modern US is because everyone separated into their own community. Not having pressure because those Yidden are disappearing is not such a good thing.