Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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Menachem Shmei

I asked Shmei to acknowledge that Seichel and Cunin are idolaters because if one even gives a hint that he believes that a human has power this is idolatry and/or Amalekism.

Would you say the same about the Minchas Elozor, Noam Elimelech, Rabbeinu Bachya, Tanya, Yerushalmi and Zohar?
Because they all said things that may sound like AZ ch”v to the untrained ear (as I have asked you over a dozen times, yet you always lie and pretend that you don’t see the question).

True to form that liar changed the subject and twisted himself into a pretzel trying to prove that the Rebbe didn’t reject the Gemara in Cheilek.

Changed the subject? You called a talmid chacham a kofer r”l over ten times over the past year, including yesterday, so when I finally proved that you were wrong, you call it changing the subject!?

trying to prove

Trying!? The proofs were as clear as day. So clear, that your only response was “I will not address anything said by Shmei.”

And he certainly rejected the Gemara which said that there’s no Nevuah until Moshiach comes.

This too was answered already at length.