Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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Menachem Shmei

I asked him a simple question, a question that was posed by Candace Owens to Boteach, “How can you insult Christianity because it believed in a “second coming” when you’re part of the Chabad sect which also believes in a second coming?’ Boteach didn’t answer the question, so I presented it to the 3 Chabad Stooges, particularly Shmei. For a few days he ignored the question but today he tried to pull the wool over our eyes by rephrasing the question, which had nothing to do with what Owens asked.

I’ll try to repeat my answer in the clearest way possible:

Candace assumes that the entire problem that Judaism has with Christianity is the second coming, so she asks that if you hold views that may sound similar to second coming, you may as well be Christian.

My point is that the fundamental problem with Christianity is not second coming. I proved this from the fact that the Jewish people opposed Yoshke and his religion while he was still alive, until beis din put him to death!

Are you saying that beis din put him to death because he believed in the second coming? That doesn’t make much sense.

Candace may as well ask “If Judaism and Christianity (lhavdil) both hold that murder is wrong, why do you oppose Christianity?

If you think that belief in a man who passed away as Moshiach doesn’t fit a certain maamar razal or halacha, bring that up (I think there’s a different thread on this topic, and I will not voice an opinion on the matter, as I said earlier).
But asking a question in Judaism based on a vort of Candace Owens doesn’t get you anywhere.