Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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Menachem Shmei

How could Rashi believe that Yaacov EXPIRED (ויגוע), how could he believe that he was BURIED and EULOGIZED and still be PHYSICALLY alive?

What does expired mean? I brought meforshim that explain. You ignored them, of course.

Neither Rashi, nor any of the meforshim claim that Yaacov Avinu is still walking on this planet earth to this day in his physical body.

Correct. They say he is alive in his kever. As I brought from meforshim.

I can’t grasp why you find this so complicated.

One of us just doesn’t know how to learn a piece of Gemara with meforshim (as you eloquently described earlier in your post) and I suspect it isn’t me.

Also, still waiting for your response to my rebuttal of your accusation that only Chabad “dares to say” that Rashi in Chumash doesn’t always side with Rashi on Shas.