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To DaMoshe
Yes, I said those things and I would say much worse if I could. Shmei is not only an idolater but he’s a Chote U’Machte as he’s trying to fool others into believing the Chabad lies. Therefore we are obligated to treat him and others of similar mind as Hashem’s enemies. Case closed.
To the group
I spoke to Rav David Feinstein’s son-in-law. He’s my biggest Mashpia in Torah and I told him that posters are arguing if Yaakov Avinu is still alive. You can imagine what he said. Being a Torah Jew doesn’t require one to replace rationality with voodoo logic. To that point my other Mashpia Rabbi Moshe Plutchok says that we follow Rambam who rejects any violation of natural law even Bilaam ‘s talking donkey. The Gemara says ,”Lama Li Kra, Sevara He?” Judaism is a rational religion. This is the point that philosopher and yankel berel are making and obviously they’re right.