Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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Menachem Shmei, with all the posts I can understand that you missed what I said regarding the Rif. The RIF said that he appeared comatose until they got to Eretz Yisroel and at that point he died and was buried. The funny thing is that you bought the RIF to prove that they said that he didn’t die while the RIF definitely said he died.

I did not check the other two meforshim you mentioned as I highly doubt that any of the two would say that he was buried alive. Unfortunately, i see this with everything you mentioned how you see things differently than what the meforshim write. The fact is that Rashi did not argue with the the pesukim and neither will the other meforshim. If I get a chance I will look it up but I can guarantee that nobody said he was buried alive which is what you are essentially saying that he was buried while being physically alive and he is still currently buried alive…