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If we really wanted Mashiach already to come then everyone would just put aside their differences and stand together as one loving nation and do the required serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation that Hashem is waiting for and if we really were YEARNING FOR MASHIACH then we would be willing to do anything to help bring Mashiach already which right now the top two things holding back Mashiach from coming is the serious teshuva and Achdus together as one loving nation which would remove the current state of sinas chinam we are currently in that is worse than when the second Bais Hamikdosh was destroyed because of it and the second most important thing almost all of klal is missing today is the TZIPISA LEYESHUA the YEARNING FOR MASHIACH, let’s face ourselves with full honesty. Are we truly YEARNING for Mashiach in today’s generation? We all know the true answer, we’re so happy living today in the generation of technology and planes where a person can run his entire life live locked up in his room running a multimillion dollar business…….. When we start to YEARN for Mashiach already then Hashem will send mashiach immediately.
Let’s face the truth instead of living in denial, if we really were YEARNING for Mashiach then just one day a year of Tisha B’av the day we mourn the destruction of the Bais Hamikdosh we would beg Hashem WHOLEHEARTEDLY for Mashiach, but what are we doing? We’re all looking at our clocks for chatzos so we can go back to sitting on the couch from the floor, if we were seriously mourning the Bais Hamikdosh for serious
teshuva kinnus and tannis, we would throw away the couch and even tell Hashem we’ll fast a full extra day from when the fast is over tonight and not from now chatzos, all that were begging Hashem for us to send mashiach already and rebuild the Bais Hamikdosh.
May we start doing our own Hishtadlus above that Hashem is waiting for so Hashem can send mashiach already bkarov.