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qwerty: I would add that Benedict ARSo should also be excluded from the Bes Medrash.

Do you mean Bes Medrash, as you wrote, or the place where YOU daven, which by YOUR definition is a beis avoda zara?

Look at his quote, “Perhaps this is the reason that Chazal said that Gemoro should be restricted to men and not women.” If you say it’s restricted to men don’t I know that women are excluded? So we add idiot to your resume.

Following that piece of superb logic, please add “incredible lamdan” to you long list of self-praise.

If you wanted to really pick on what I wrote, you should have said that the way I wrote it I mistakenly implied that it is not restricted to women! And what I should have written is that it is exclusively the domain of men and not women. But I’ll be melamed zechus and assume that at the time you were probably too busy trying to contain the rabid frothing of your mouth.