Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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Menachem Shmei

Philosopher, I once wrote this in response to one of your “challenges” from the “Rif”:

“I read and reread the Rif in the Ein Yaakov and I still can’t find what you’re referring to that יעקב לא מת was only until Eretz Yisroel (I do remember a different meforash saying that, not the Rif).
Would you be so kind as to quote the words that you’re referring to (as I requested once already)?”

Well, I found the meforash who says this, it’s the Chochmas Menoach, but not the Rif, as I said.

Meanwhile, it’s Philosopher and Qwerty who are misquoting meforshim (Philosopher: the Rif. Qwerty: Ohr Hachaim) while they claim (baselessly) that I am doing it.