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Menachem Shmei


As for Rav Gigi’s comment I found it on line and he quotes the Ohr Hachaim as understanding Yaakov Lo Med non literally

Well, it’s a mistake. The Ohr Hachaim is available for anyone to read.

And to think that I was the one being attacked for believing what I read online without checking the sources 🙃

It doesn’t make a difference if you find other meforshim who say that it’s non literal. That’s not the discussion. The question was if any meforshim say that it IS literal, and the answer is yes.

Rabbi Sacks said that the Rebbe studied Hitler

You are being completely dishonest, as I explained several times in my posts. The Rebbe never studied ymsh.
Of course, you will keep repeating it because honesty means nothing to you.

Chabad considers themselves superior to all other Jews.

Not themselves, rather their derech, as I explained before, and YOU quoted so beautifully from Rav Avigdor Miller.

In addition the Rebbe’s goal was to conquer the world.

לתקן עולם במלכות שד”י. והיתה להשם המלוכה.
The Rebbe was really into spreading Judaism and G-dliness, to bring the world under G-d’s sovereignty.

You admit that Shmei brings phony sources to prove the Rebbe is Moshiach.

Huh? When did I ever try to prove that the Rebbe is Moshiach?

Second please tell me where Artscroll says that Rashi holds Yaakov Lo Mes literally. I will certainly check it out and if you’re correct I’ll acknowledge as much.

Qwerty, why do you attack me without even reading my posts!?

I sourced the Artscroll at least three times!

Here goes again (let’s see you acknowledge. I highly doubt you will, but won’t be the first time you were dishonest):

Artscroll Taanis 5B fn. 18:
“Since this verse proves that Jacob is still alive, we must conclude that Jacob only appeared to be dead to those who embalmed him (Rashi). Other commentators explain Jacob’s immortality not as a prolongation of physical life but as a form of continued spiritual existence (see Maharsha).”

Yesterday coffee addict checkmated Yaakov Lo Meis.

Well said.
He challenged a Gemara (according to Rashi et al).
I defended it.

[Biden: We finally beat Medicare.
Trump: He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death.]

What does Shmei do? He tries to fend off my challenge and he “forgets” coffee’s proof.

What did I forget? I gave a beautiful answer to support Rashi et al. If you believe in תורה שבעל פה, you should be very happy with me.