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qwerty to yb: So now ArSo is also arguing with you. He states that Menachem Shmei cites phony sources to prove that the Rebbe is Moshiach but on the other hand he defends Shmei against those trying to disprove that the Rebbe is Moshiach.

Once again, the big lie. Show me – and don’t ignore this – where I said that Shmei cites phony sources, and where I defended him against those trying to prove that the LR is Mashiach.

Of course in your humble, non-arrogant and very lucid mind, defending – actually, agreeing – with Shmei about Rashi’s view, is arguing with those who don’t think the LR is Mashiach.

Someone, anyone, please explain that logic. Qwerty you’d better hope that you don’t like the same type of soup that Shmei likes because then you will be supporting his alleged view that the LR is Mashiach. No one else on this thread will understand that logic, but you should because it’s just paraphrasing what you write.

ArSo is a contrarian and or a nut job

To paraphrase Chazal, better to be called a nut job one’s entire life than to be an apikorus – not to mention someone who prays with idolaters – like you who distorts the words of meforshim.