Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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To philosopher

It’s interesting the game that Menuval Chamberlain is playing. He’s arguing that you’re disputing Artscroll. Such nonsense. If Rashi said Yaakov Lo Mes Artscroll writes it because they certainly won’t change what he said. But in no way does it mean that they understand Rashi literally. I’ll give you a simple Moshol. We know the Midrash that Adam Harishon had relations with every species before he married Chavah. Obviously no one except possibly Chabad accepts that Midrash literally. So does that mean the editors who print it accept it literally. Of course not. It’s just their job to print what the Midrash says. You would assume that Menuval understands this but maybe not. Maybe he really is a total retard. Anyway there’s a major checkmate in his future. He’s total you know what.Another supposed non Lubavicher who lies in Hashem’s face right before Rosh Hashanah. People who play Rosh Hashanah roulette always lose.