Reply To: Chabad Media Won

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To yankel berel

A yasher koach for yesterday’s post. We have to remain focused on the only issue that matters, Chabad is not Judaism. It’s Christianity with Cholov Yisrael. Propaganda minister Shmei and his brain -dead minions are still trying to use Yaakov Lo Mes as a smokescreen to camouflage the truth. I would add one point. You may have opened a can of worms..Now Shmei will try to prove that Nasrallah is alive. He’ll come up with more Chabad bs “Torah.” You see how the Satan works. He calls the Gemara obscure and rejects it like Schneersohn but accepts ambiguous statements without hesitation. It’s an upside down world if you live in the world of Chabad. And the trash like Minuval and the disgraced Gemara teacher who was bounced out on his ARSo are even worse.