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“not to mention where she implied that Mashiach can be a woman ”
Wasn’t that someone else? New Year I think?
“If we know Chumash (and Nach) we know know that Hashem is not a physical Being and therefore we know that Hashem’s hand, and yes, He does have a hand, is not a physical thing, it’s a higher concept that we can’t understand.”
Give me one pasuk in all of Tanach where it explicitly says this. Explicit doesn’t mean subtly alluding to it. I want a pashut pshat that flat out says “Hashem is not a physical thing, He’s on a higher concept than we can understand.” The ONLY reason we know not to interpret these things literally is on account of Chazal and meforshim. If you truly think that you’re on such a high madreiga that you would have independently come to all of the exact same conclusions just by “knowing chumash and Nach,” then I think you have a middah to work on going into the new year.
I’m not going to call you an apikorus as others have, but it’s just extremely gaavadik and immature to keep acting like you have the key to all correct understanding and none of the rest of us do. Potentially even more so than qwerty because I think if we were to meet him in real life, he would have an… “excuse”–let’s just say–for this kind of behavior.