Reply To: If You Vote Democrat, You Sign off on Endangering Jews who Live in Israel.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee If You Vote Democrat, You Sign off on Endangering Jews who Live in Israel. Reply To: If You Vote Democrat, You Sign off on Endangering Jews who Live in Israel.


Keith – under the Iran nuclear deal the Iranian sites were subject to inspection. Saying otherwise is flatly untrue. Trump did not bankrupt or cripple Iran. The money flowed to Hamas under his watch. His own Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin approved the Qatari fund transfers to Hamas. The fact is Iran increased its uranium production and decreased its breakout time unhindered under Trump. When Trump pulled out of the nuclear deal he boasted that Iran would come begging for a new one and that he would negotiate a better one. This ever happened This is who so many in IDF and Israeli intelligence consider Trump’s pull out of the imperfect but better than nothing deal to be disastrous for Israel