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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee If You Vote Democrat, You Sign off on Endangering Jews who Live in Israel. Reply To: If You Vote Democrat, You Sign off on Endangering Jews who Live in Israel.


This short article is from www (dot) matzav (dot) com:

During Thursday’s episode of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,”
Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz
commented on Vice President Kamala Harris,
a Democratic presidential candidate for 2024.

He [Alan Dershowitz] stated that [Kamala] Harris
“seemed to create a moral equivalence” and added,
“she was trying to appeal both to her left-wing,
anti-Israel people and to the pro-Israel people.
You can’t do that by creating a false moral equivalence.”

[Alan] Dershowitz said, “Let’s remember that people are trying
to make a [false] moral equivalence between Hamas and Israel.
Even the Vice President, Kamala Harris, in her statement,
seemed to create a moral equivalence between the suffering
of the Gazans and the people who were killed in Israel.

The difference is this:

The people who are suffering in Gaza are suffering as a result of Hamas.
Hamas is using them as human shields.
Hamas is the one who is taking their food away.
Hamas is the one who is firing rockets from mosques and schools.

So, there is no moral equivalence between Israel’s self-defense actions,
which are trying to minimize civilian deaths,
and Hamas’ attempts to increase civilian deaths.”

SOURCE: article titled: “Dershowitz: Harris Trying to Appeal
to ‘anti-Israel’ Crowd with ‘Moral Equivalence’ Between Hamas, Israel

2024 July 26, www (dot) matzav (dot) com