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Philosopher to me (and sorry I missed it until now): The Raavad is talking about who is a min. I can’t answer for others why they believed what they believed.

The Raavad is saying that someone who believes Hashem has a guf is NOT a min because there were people who were “better and greater” than the Rambam (!) who believed that Hashem has a guf because they misinterpreted the pesukim. So clearly it cannot be 100% clear from the pesukim that Hashem does not have a guf.

For me it’s very clear from the Torah, that Hashem has no guf.

Yet the Raavad says that it isn’t. So who should I believe?

How can Hashem have a guf if He was in existence before He created the universe/matter was created?

I could give you two plausible answers (even though I don’t believe in either of them):
1. He had a guf even before all other matter was created.
2. He created himself a guf at some very early stage.

How can Hashem have a guf and be in the heaven and on earth at the same time?

I don’t understand why that rules out a guf.

How can Hashem have a guf when a guf has form and it says in the pasuk that Hashem has no form?

Which passuk please? I’m not saying there isn’t such a passuk, but I just can’t recall it. So please supply a source.

The final line is that the Raavad says that great people believed Hashem has a guf based on a misunderstanding of the pesukim. So are you just going to disregard the Raavad and say that it is impossible to say so?!