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There was an elderly Yid who had great difficulty learning but after many months of learning with a chavrusa managed to learn one blatt of Gemara. He asked a gadol (it may have been Rav Chaim; I don’t remember exactly) whether he could make a siyum on a single daf. The gadol said yes–you can make a siyum on any learning accomplishment that’s significant to you!
In practice, there are people who just listen to a shiur (without looking at the Gemara inside), and they make siyumim. Others learn on their own too. I personally do both. I would probably feel more of a sense of a accomplishment if I took tests or had some structured chazara at the end of a masecha. But I make siyumim anyway.
The 8 minute daf hasn’t been done for a while. Reb Eli now only does the full shiur. I don’t know if there are any “summary” shiurim.