Reply To: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity Reply To: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity


One of the Frummest Jews I ever knew in my entire life, a man
whose heart is filled with Yirat Shamayim, a man whose mind
knows all of Shas and all of Shulchan Aruch, told me a few years ago
that the Frum Community “values form over substance”.

In other words, the Frum Community prioritizes what people look like
on the outside, more so than what people are on the inside.

The most crooked businessman would be admitted to that minyan, if only he wore a hat and jacket.

The most honest businessman would be thrown-out of that minyan, without a hat and jacket.

This does not surprise me, after 40+ years of dealing with Orthodox Jews.

There is a specific uniform that Orthodox Jews require,
and they equate that uniform with The Torah Itself.

Failing to wear that specific uniform is misinterpreted as
a rejection of the entire Torah, and an attack against the entire Torah.