Reply To: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity Reply To: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity


“Most of them dress like locals. I don’t know what the “modern” position is, but my personal is that we need to use not “average” goyishe dress, but top 1 to 10%”

I infer that we both agree that today’s “average goy” has extremely low standards of dress. You didn’t have to go to the top 1% back 100 years ago–or even 50 years ago–to find respectably dressed goyim. So, even within your shittah, we would be faced with the choices of either searching for the few that still kind of care and model ourselves after them, or just do our own thing. What I don’t understand is the outright opposition to doing our own thing–the insistence that we MUST base ourselves off the goyim in some capacity. Where does that come from?

“Note that there is no tension right now between science and Torah as ideology.”
Pfft, what?!

“Many rabonim objected to Mendelhson translation as it led to Jews learning hochdeutsche and that to mixed dancing. Anyone is objecting to Artscroll nowadays?”
Artscroll is by frum yidden, not by the founder of Reform Judaism.

“I think every reasonable response that we have now is more effective than what was there 200 years ago – whether it is lakewood yeshiva, bays yaakov, or chabad houses, or Ohr Sameach, or modern day schools.”
Several of these are kiruv organizations trying to undue the damage caused by embracing modernity. Lakewood yeshiva is modeled after yeshivos from 200 years ago. Modern day schools are a great example of a failing way of dealing with modernity.