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“So being duped by the top “doctor” (sorry I should’ve wrote top moocher) is somehow his fault?”
Lol of course it’s his fault! What kind of question even is that? If Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson tell him side with Hamas and he listens, would that also not be his fault? In fact, I would argue my example is LESS extreme that your’s. At least in my hypothetical, he would be listening to alleged conservative voices. Everybody knows doctors and scientists are psycho lefties and that nothing they say about policy should be taken seriously. Obama didn’t shred the constitution during swine flu, and I’m sure there were commie doctors telling him he should. I’m sorry if you, like Trump, we unintelligent enough to be tricked by Fauci and can therefore empathize, but those of us with brains expect a little more from a so-called conservative president.
Israel is now in the longest war of its history, so how much good did his “peacemaking” really do? Also, I’m not sure what you mean by “ripping up the Iran deal” when Iran is still actively pursuing nuclear weapons, and he did nothing to stop this.
“3) Moved the embassy”
Yes, he moved a building from one location to another. Apparently this makes a person the greatest thing to ever happen to the Jewish people even if he or she bumps elbows with neo-Nazis.
“6) during covid passed a law for houses of worship”
No such thing happened. I think he passed a “statement” or some such thing, which his actions prove he didn’t even actually mean. If he really wanted to stop the lockdowns he would have taken legal action (or recommended legal action) against the states enforcing it and taken them to the supreme court. Instead, he lauded the authoritarian governors and criticized the (Republican!) pro-freedom governors. And, by the way, he continued to do this all the way into the last year during the primaries against Desantis. There is absolutely no mystery that he supported the lockdowns; he has made it clear time and time again.