Reply To: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? Reply To: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish?

catch yourself

You’re not a hypocrite, and it is not “selfish” of you to want to have your own Sefer Torah; on the contrary, it is a Mitzvah, and you are to be commended for what you are doing.

It is a true Kiddush Hashem that you are working on a six-year plan to fulfil this Mitzvah in the best way possible. [Most people never have their own Sefer Torah, instead relying on the Rishonim who say we can fulfil the Mitzvah by purchasing other Seforim.]

The fact that you also plan to lein from your own Sefer on a weekly basis is a marvelous Hidur Mitzvah in Krias HaTorah. At the same time, it is also a tremendous display of Kavod HaTorah that you will make regular use of your Sefer.

I’m sure your friend means well, but I think he’s wrong about this.