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All “sems” are the same. They are a waste of time and a HUGE waste of money. What is it that can only be acquired in the 10 months of “sem experience” in Israel that cannot be acquired in the prior 12 years of schooling? I have spoken with a Gadol as well as a Menahel of a very large Bais Yaakov. Both told me it is unnecessary for the majority of girls. I had a child in seminary already. I’m sorry but I really don’t see the huge growth there. Did she “grow” somewhat? Yes, no question. Was it growth that justifies a cost upwards of $30,000? No, certainly not. Don’t get me wrong – even one drop of growth may be worth any amount of money. But when people are so strapped for cash as it is? I’m not so sure. But my main point is – I don’t see what it is they can only learn and acquire in Israel that cannot be acquired in the prior 12 years of schooling. Be honest with yourself; most girls are just going because “everyone” does it, it’s fun and why not? If the girls had to work for 5 years to pay for it, I think a tiny fraction would be going. Do you realize how much this costs your parents?! Minimum of 25,000 and average closer to $35,000 (after all costs are added to the bucket i.e flights, food etc) and some seminaries can be closer to $40,000 after all costs are added.