Reply To: All good things must come to an end

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee All good things must come to an end Reply To: All good things must come to an end

Sam Klein

Where does it say from the Torah or from the wise that “all good things must come to an end”? Is this your own prediction?

There have been people in Jewish history that although they went through a life filled with difficult tests from Hashem which brought them closer and closer to Hashem upon each difficult test they passed but they still had very happy lived and their happiness lasted throughout their life all the way until the end due to their faith and trust directly in Hashem and not through messengers like rebbas or segulas from the spiritual department to any physical messengers of doctors and others but lived a life completely with full faith and trust directly in Hashem.

Start today living a life of happiness 24-7 by living a life of bitachon and emunah in only Hashem our loving father and king of Kings ruler of the world who knows what’s best for each person and only gives him/her what’s for their own good and then you’ll be the happiest person in the world cause nothing in the world will be able to effect you even uf someone Chas VShalom injures or robs you a million dollars cause YOU will immediately know that it’s for your good and accept it from Hashem wirh love and happiness.