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Toldos: Together Forever

The Ramban writes that the three wells that Yitzchak dug symbolizes the three בתי מקדשות that will be built. Just as the first two wells were made unusable by the Pilishtim, so too were the first two בתי מקדשות destroyed; and just as the third well was the one that lasted, so too will the third בית המקדש last forever.

The Ramban elaborates on this point by finding hints in the names of the wells to what went right or wrong. The first well is referred to as עשק and the second is referred to as שטנה as a way of hinting to the infighting that was all too prevalent in the days of the first and second בית המקדש, while the third is referred to רחובות to hint that at time, Hashem will widen the boundaries of our land, since there will be no infighting.

The Chida finds another allusion in the Pesukim to the point of the Ramban. When the servants of Yitzchak dug the first two wells, the Passuk uses the word ויחפרו, which is the plural form of “and they dug”. However, when it came to the digging of third well, the Passuk uses ויחפור, the singular form of the word. This is because only when all of the Jewish people act together as one can we build the third Beis HaMikdosh, for that is the only way it can last forever.

לע״נ דוד חיים בן ישראל דוב הכהן
לע״נ ר׳ חיים דוב בן ר׳ בןציון שלום