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akuperma said:
“If the Hareidim were running the yishuv in Eretz Yisrael,
as was the case in the pre-Zionist era,
we wouldn’t be war with the Islamic world.”
That statement could only be made by a person who
knows NOTHING about Islamic theology and Islamic History.
[1] Mohammed, the founder of Islam, who all Muslims must imitate,
ordered the beheading of 800 Jewish prisoners of war.
Their orphans became slaves and their widows were used for immoral purposes.
This was more than a dozen centuries BEFORE the Zionists.
[2] The Koran, chapter 5, verse 82, teaches that Jews [and polytheists]
Not just enemies of Muslims. but THE WORST ENEMIES OF MUSLIMS.
This was more than a dozen centuries BEFORE the Zionists.
[3] The Hadith (an ancient Muslim holy book) teaches that
the Last Day cannot come, until ALL JEWS [100%] are killed by Muslims.
The Hadith teaches that when The Last Day comes,
a rock will miraculously speak, and say:
This wicked story is repeated in The Hadith, seven [7] times!
This was more than a dozen centuries BEFORE the Zionists.
[4] Mohammed’s last words before he died:
“O Lord, kill the Jews and Christians.”
SOURCE: Hadith Malik, 511:1588
This was more than a dozen centuries BEFORE the Zionists.
[5] Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura sas this, in a letter to his father in year 1488 August 15:
“Jews in Muslim lands make themselves appear poor.
They go about like an impoverished, despised people,
with their heads bowed before Muslims.”
CHRONOLOGY: Rabbi Ovadiah ben Abraham of Bartenura was
born around 1445 CE in Bertinoro, Italy, and died around 1515 CE in Jerusalem.
SOURCE: Pathway to Jerusalem: the Travel Letters of Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura,
written between 1488 and 1490 during his journey to the Holy Land (page 40)
translated by Yaakov Dovid Shulman, year 1992 CE, 93 pages,
CIS Publishers, Lakewood, New Jersey, ISBN 1-56062-130-3
[6] Abdul Aziz told this to Harold Dickson in [year] 1937 [CE]:
“Our hatred for the Jews, dates from God’s condemnation of them
for their persecution and rejection of ‘Isa [the founder of Christianity]
and their subsequent rejection later of His chosen Prophet [Muhammad]…
“Verily the word of God teaches us – and we implicitly believe this O Dickson
– that for a Muslim to kill a Jew [in war], or for him to be killed by a Jew,
ensures him immediate entry in Heaven and into the august presence of God Almighty.”
Abdul Aziz made this statement to [Harold] Dickson as part of his
protest at the Peel Report, Britain’s 1937 plan to partition Palestine
into separate Jewish and Arab areas, thereby granting the
Zionists the basis for the independent state that they dreamed of…”
SOURCE: The Kingdom: Arabia and the House of Sa’ud
(chapter 29, page 259) by Robert Lacey, published in year 1981
by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York,
ISBN-10: 0006365094 * ISBN-13: 978-0006365099
[7] Robert Lacey said:
“Arabians are conspiracy theorists, and not afraid to admit it.
Just as they believe in an active power for good intervening
daily in their lives, so they believe that evil and the powers
of darkness are manifest here on earth.
A Westerner takes the credit for his own successes
and blames himself for his failures.
An Arabian thanks God for the good and blames the bad
on evil influences beyond his control. It makes for a guilt-free existence.
It also makes for deep suspicions, and nowhere is this more obvious
than in the Arab attitude towards the Jews.”
SOURCE: The Kingdom: Arabia and the House of Sa’ud
(chapter 41, page 386) by Robert Lacey, published in year 1981
by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York,
ISBN-10: 0006365094 ISBN-13: 978-0006365099
PS: Please feel free to copy these quotes for future reference.