Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Who Are Our Camp Counselors?)

Home Forums Summer & Camp Issues Out Of The Mailbag: (Who Are Our Camp Counselors?) Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Who Are Our Camp Counselors?)


Very well said. Unfortunately, this is not a new problem. There is no doubt that camp is an integral part of a childs growth, as it certainly was part of mine. It is amazing that people question why so many children these days have no positive role models and end up places they should not be r”l. One of the main reasons for this is that the Yeshivas are not letting most of these role models attend camp!! And for the high school and beis medresh boys who just need a break, keeping them in yeshiva or in a yeshiva camp, as opposed to being a staff member in camp, has a negative effect not only on the children they could have helped, but on themselves too.