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This past weekend in the mountains I encountered 2 situations that many people here discussed regarding hitching in general and YOUNG BACHURIM in particular.

On Thursday night, I was traveling from Woodridge to South Fallsburg at 11:30pm. At the “Four Corners” while waiting for a light to change green, I was approached by 3 young boys, who did not look a day over 17 looking for a ride to the Wal Mart in Monticello. When I told them I was only going as far as SF, they replied that would be fine, I should let them out in SF and they would look for a ride the reaminder of the way. I agreed on one condition, that I be able to call their mother and ask if they had any problems with me picking up their sons at 11:30PM in Woodridge and leaving them on the side of the road in SF. If their mother says yes, I would do it. Of course they all declined and I told them I couldnt take the responsibility of leaving them on the side of the road in SF so late at night (I wouldnt do it in broad daylight either). These boys were “off duty” from a local camp. Where was the camp supervision of these boys? Do their parents know where they are off to late at night? How did they plan on getting BACK to Woodridge from Monticello when they were done shopping? This is hefkeirus. Normally we think of hefkeirus where pritzus is involived, but I think this type of hefkeirus needs to be addressed. These were not “kids at risk”, they were 3 bachurim, in their black pants, white shirts along with their hatds and jackets.

The second encounter occured on my way back to the city early in the morning (before 5AM) while it was still dark outside AND raining pretty heavily with a little fog to boot. Someone standing in the rain, practically in the middle of the road looking for a ride back to the city, was nearly run over by the car 2 cars in front of me. He was dressed wearing all black, except for his white shirt, which was hardly visible anyway. Was it so important for him to get back to the city that he had to risk his life and serious injury to a motorist and hitch in such a manner, especially in such weather? When will people who do this start to wear reflective strips on their clothing? Does an accident R’L have to happen?