Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Get Education!)

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues Out Of The Mailbag: (Get Education!) Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Get Education!)


As usual, we have a chorus of people reacting to this letter with their “kanaus” for Daas Torah and belittling the writer for having the chutzpah to express his “Daas Bal Habyis”

The amazing thing is that with this issue (and so many others) we take at face value the popular “perception” of where “good”, “ehrlich”, and “frum” daas Torah stands on the matter, without, I suspect, the slightest shred of real evidence in the form of open honest communication from contemporary Rabomnin. We are quick to challenge the letter writer about whether education is good for everyone, but we don’t stop to ask whether “no education” is good for everyone.

As for Daas Torah, it’s not that simple. There are numerous Rabomnim and Talmidei chachomim who wholeheartedly endorse the idea of pursuing an education in order to pursue a career. Perhaps some of these rabonim don’t qualify as “gedolim” in the eyes of the commentors here, but I’ll tell you what, I bet they know more than those commentors.

The bottom line is:

Stop assuming that complex issues have one right answer for everyone.

Stop assuming that the consensus of opinion from your local loudmouths reflects daas


“Aseh Lecha Rav” and consult with him.