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I see i’ve gotten some peoples attention.
Just me- I never said that if you study or work,that you are not a frum Jew. All i want to do is put Olam Haba on the map, thats all. By the way, you bring the Rambam as a proof. Why dont you study about his life instead of using him to soothe your consience. Bec, if you do use him in an incorrect way, He might not be so happy with you. Did you know that he was sitting and learning in kollel yomam valayla, while “shnorring” from his brother who was working. One day the news arrived that his brother got shipwrecked and that he died. The Rambam was now left to care for his own family AND his brothers almana and yesomim. Only then did he become a doctor. Even then, he used every spare second to learn, and was able to write all the sforim he wrote. He knew that olam haze was not what he wanted to invest in and thats how he lived his life, no matter what situation he was in. When anyone is in such a matzav chas veshalom, then they can bring the Rambam as a proof. Until then, be very careful.
So, the point is that every person has their own situations and I am not chas veshalom judging anyone. All i want to do is to put Olam Haba on the map and tell people not to forget the ikar and tafel of this world.