Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Why I Hate Graduations)

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I believe that parents should have a lttle more confience in themseleves and their children. simply becuase you do not receive an award is not a reason to despair. I would hope that you have your priorities in order – health, happiness, parnossoh, etc. If you focus on what you have and appreciate it, you would not be looking at your neighbor.

Moreover, it is very narrow minded to view these graduation ceremonies as the end all. How do you know what challenges the valedictorian will encounter 20 years from now? Maybe G-d granted the person this honor to give him or her the strength to face some future challenge in life – a challenge you may be glad not to have.

I have friends in my class who were C students that are now major wealthy. Apparently, they did not need the scholastic abilites and accollades in order to “make it.” Focus on your child’s strengths and develop them.

Let schools bestow honors to acknowledge the prominence of education and scholastic achievement. Be strong to recognize your child’s unique achievements. Let peopel be appreciated for their own unique abilities. No one has everything. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Be strong.