Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Why I Hate Graduations)

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This is another sad example of liberalism and the dont hurt anyone’s feelings epidemic that is sweeping our culture and the country. Just because your son or daughter did not do as well in school as the valedictorian, doesn’t mean those that strive for excellence should not be rewarded. They worked hard to get to where they are and should be recognized for their achievements, NOT cast into the shadows of the rest of the class because mothers or fathers like you cannot bear to see their poor little boy/girl sitting like an average student while his peers are being praised. Get over yourselves! In any job or even beis medrash, there are those who succeed much greater than the average person and further praise helps and motivates them to try even harder. Maybe your sons and daughters can take a lesson like BAR26 just above said and see an example for themselves in their fellow students and work harder next time so its them at the podium making you proud and not someone else’s child.