Reply To: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha

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rabbiofberlin, just a side point, “x” is “christ”, so writting x-anity is no different then writing christianity. “x” is the greek symbol for “our lord”, as it is perfect or some such nonsense, so it was taken from the gazillion getchkes the greeks had onto jesus during Constantinople. it actually started to be used again here in america when supposedly a asheira tree seller didn’t have enough room on his sign to write christmas trees sold here, so he wrote x-mas trees, and thus began the reemergence of “x” in place of “christ”(prob a buba maaseh, the story not what “x” means). dont think for 2 seconds that “x” is a “jewish” place holder for the word christ. both “christ”, which is latin, and “x” which is greek, both mean our lord. just thought you should know. it irks me whenever i see that. especially, as many people hold lehalocha the word cant be used, so for sure they should be told this (not sure if that is why you wrote x).

*****(Moderator, please do not edit this, since the terms x, jesus, our lord,

and christ are all being used for halocha leemasseh.)