Reply To: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha

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Will Hill

berlin, “success” of the medinah? You never fail to provide a good laugh.

That Chofetz Chaim quote is famous. The Chofetz Chaim has long credentials as an anti-zionist. And Reb Sholom Dovber Schneersohn was niftar in 1920, long after the advent of zionism. So please get your facts straight before spewing.

Insofar as Kastner is concerned, its been long proven beyond the slightest doubt that he was in cahoots with Eichmann and responsible for the destruction of Hungarian Jewry, that it is laughable that you Zionist even try to debate established facts (as was pointed out so many unnecessary times above.) Its quite laughable that cantoresq stoops to Wikipedia to try to salvage that Zionist Jew murderer. (FWIW Hecht was an Oscar winning playwright and a bona fide Zionist. He even created a screenplay called “A flag is born” celebrating the establishment of the medina! He of all people admitted to the Zionist crimes.)

And cantoresq, the appeal was only a partial reversal — and even that was a split verdict. That Kastner protected Kurt Becher, even the Zionist appeals court couldn’t deny (in as much as 3 out of 5 did reverse the other 2 counts — coming immediately on the heels of Kastners killing and sympathy — and considering the entire Zionist/Israeli establishment was trying to cover their tracks and their Supreme Court could be expected no less of.)