Reply To: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha

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catnores: how did kasztner select people for his train? i’ve wondered about that for awhile. you asked someone above for documentation that he sold tickets for profit, so i assume you don’t know yourself, since you are asking. but if you do, kindly would you share that information?

i’ve actually seen in the past authoritative information that most of the slots were taken by his family and friends. whatever was left i don’t know, but pray tell why would a sworn zionist like kasztner voluntarily select the satmar rebbe (the biggest anti-zionist in all of occupied europe) given he was in control of who got on? (if he was just trying to prove that he wasn’t just choosing his own, why not some less rabid anti-zionist?) that is the million dollar question to me.


What “authoritative information” have you seen? Please share it with us. As far as I know various groups in Budapest submitted lists of proposed passengers, and seats were then alloted based upon availibility and the making “Sophie’s choice” type decisions. As far as I know, Kasztner’s wife, Bogyo and father in law were Joszef Fischer were the only members of his family on the train.