Reply To: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha

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My point isn’t the one instructions to one student. Any number of factors could have been involved. Perhaps he foresaw that this particular student if he went to secular America would lose his religion, and better for him to risk losing his life than risk losing his soul.

You made the clear insinuation that many Rabbis prevented many people who had the ability, means and authorization (i.e. exit and entry visas) to leave Europe from doing so. Answer this if you will: How many and which Rabbis prevented Jews (with the ability, means and authorization to leave Europe) from doing so? On what scale? With what means? And how do you determine that these people otherwise had the will to leave Europe AND had the aforementioned ability? Which country/countries were willing to accept MASS number of Jewish refugees? Even if every Jew in Europe wanted to escape, where could all those Jews have gone to?

I’d like to see evidence of that claim, since I know none exists.