Reply To: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha

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This whole commentary has gone completely off topic.

I have tried to avoid commentating on the dominate theme of: who knew, when did they know it, and what they could/should have done.

Now, with this understanding, even if they believed fully what they heard (which they may not have) and they wanted to fight back, how were they going to do that? Even if they wanted to run, where was there to run to? They were surrounded on all sides with no friends outside to go to. America was closed. Canada was closed. England was closed (and she closed off Eretz Yisrael. Even after the war, England was capturing boats heading towards Israel and detaining the passengers in DP camps). Sea voyage to other points unknown was not practical with a) nowhere to go, b) getting to a coastal region was not simple and c) if they did get a place to go and made it to the coast; they would need to outrun the u-boats that were seeking to sink war, cargo and passenger ships.