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I hope rabbiofberlin responds to you separately, in any case, I must. I feel sorry for you. You apparently are claiming to have read the Shulchan Aruch and since you make such claim, I won’t doubt it. What you apparently have not read is the Rishonim and Geonim who preceded the shulchan aruch, the gemarah that preceded them, and the poskim who came after them. You have not read the Rama who often disagrees with the shulchan aruch. You have not read any shuttim which discuss a myriad of issues that did not exist in the Mechaber’s time, and they argue with each other, mutar-assur, what we call the living Torah. You are unaware of different holy minhagim of different communities, differences between sefardim, teimanim, misnagdim and chassidim and others. You essentially are unaware that the Shulchan Aruch does not tell me everything and how to do everything. You just want to assume that what YOU do is the only way, and you didn’t have to think about it at all! You are more of a robot. Robots don’t get reward for their mitzvos. Very sad. And by the way, your gedolim assured the internet.