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blueshirt- when I said shulchan aruch I meant Halacha seforim. You are right I don’t learn in Yeshiva and I don’t know all of that. However, I do know that Torah is not a way of life, it is life! I am not a robot but I know that the Chachamim are right. I do think about what I am doing and I hope I do get schar. By the fact that you say “Your gedolim assured the internet” it makes it sound like they are not your gedolim also. You are right, I am very sad that I have to use the internet for school and when I have my own home im yirteh Hashem I won’t have internet.

I know there are different minhagim and I respect that but if chachamim are saying something, there must be somethig to it. Music effects the neshama! A person has to be very careful in what he/she listens to.