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postsemgirl….your last entry prompted me to pen a response….You write ” music affects the neshomo”. Let us assume you are right.

You may be too young to remember Shlomo carlebach z’l and the war over him and his music. The Roshei yeshiva opposed him and even forbade his songs to be heard. (Thank

G-d most of us didn’t listen). Well, I must tell you that thousands upon thousands of baalei teshuvo became that way because of the spirituality of Shlomo’s songs. Today, his songs and nussach hatefilla inspire tens of thousands. Yet, the so-called gedolim forbade all of that in times past. So, what makes you sure that today’s Rabbonim have a clue as to the spirituality or influence of songs? Maybe each individual has a different “neshomo” and profits from different inputs. Maybe their efforts are indeed misguided. Have you even thought of this?