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The Rabonim are basically trying to dictate every step of our lives. I truly do believe that we need to follw daas torah but when the Rabonim start dictating EVERY SINGLE STEP of our lives that is ehen you will start loosing a lot of people.

When the Rabonim tell us that we can’t drink water or using paper plates or eating a vegetable that grown in its natural way without a hashgacha WHAT IS NEXT?

Will we be walking around with facemasks (of course only with a hashgacha) so we don’t swallow a fly?

Will we need a hashgacha on a apple that we buy?

Will we need a hashgacha on the car that we drive or the clothing (not talking about shatnez) that we wear?

Dont you think that the rabonim from 50 or 100 years ago knew as much as our rabonim know today?