Reply To: Tzinus – Both Views are Correct

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Personally, I usually say “I don’t understand” rather than “I don’t agree” when it comes to Rashi or similar. I prefer not to give the impression (even to myself) that my own perception and understanding is sufficient to “agree or disagree” with Meforshim.

When Meforshim state opposing views, I learn them both. I still don’t assert my own perception of logic to state my “agreement” or otherwise, and when I am unsure of an interpretation of a Meforash, I ask a Torah scholar who has better understanding of what the Meforash intended, not to get his “logic” on whether he “agrees” with Rashi or not. If he did offer his “logic” to disagree with Rashi, rather than provide his understanding of the interpretation of Rashi, I would know I had the wrong address.

I say this not to give criticism, but to offer an alternative manner of expression, as perhaps this might resonate with you. I know you meant well.